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Orthopedic surgeon: Articular reconstruction and Arthroscopy.
Make your knee/hip great again!
Do you need hip or knee replacement? Health care costs in your country are not accessible? Do you want a second opinion about your health? Come for your orthopedic assessment to Mexico.
At the OrthoRehab del Noroeste clinic in Mexicali we specialize in high quality orthopedic care. We attend the sequelae of osteodegenerative diseases of the shoulder, hip and knee as well as trauma and sports injuries.
Schedule your appointment!

Areas of Expertise

Common Questions
What is OA?
Osteoarthritis (OA) isn’t just a disease that affects older adults; it’s the most common form of arthritis, affecting more than 30 million Americans. Anyone who injures or overuses their joints, including athletes, military members, and people who work physically demanding jobs, may be more susceptible to developing this disease as they age. OA is a chronic condition that can affect any joint, but it occurs most often in knees, hips, lower back and neck, small joints of the fingers and the bases of the thumb and big toe.
Do I need hip or knee replacement?
If you have joint pain after mild activities, that does not respond effectively to conventional NSAIDs or painkillers, limited movement, lifestyle limitations and you have radiological evidence that your knee or hip has hallmarks of nonuniform joint space, cyst formation, bone spurs or subchondral sclerosis you may be a candidate for joint replacement.
Once I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, do I have to undergo joint replacement surgery?
No, it is important to first stage the severity of your OA and decide the best treatment for your functional needs and thus improve your quality of life.
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